Our Secure Choice Dental plans
keep you smiling.

Affordable dental care you can feel good about.


$232.32 once annually


$371.64 once annually


$569.52 once annually

Find the Secure Choice Dental Plan that fits you. You'll like the affordable monthly rates and the out-of-pocket costs. Plus, you get plenty of extra benefits such as teeth whitening and bonding, along with:

  • No deductibles
  • No claim forms**
  • No annual maximum
  • Benefits for pre-existing conditions within the copayment schedule
  • Copayments for orthodontic procedures

  **  Except for emergency services

Plan Choices

Which Plan is right for me?
Several available plans suit the needs of most individuals and families.

Select this plan if you are interested in covering only yourself.

Individual + 1
Select this plan if you want to cover yourself and one qualifying dependent*:
• your spouse or
• one child under age twenty-six

Select this plan if you want to cover yourself and all qualifying dependents*, including:
• your spouse and
• all children under age twenty-six

*Children covered under this Agreement include Your natural Children, legally adopted Children, step Children, and Children for whom You are the proposed adoptive parent without regard to financial dependence, residency with You, student status or employment. A proposed adopted Child is eligible for coverage on the same basis as a natural Child during any waiting period prior to the finalization of the Child’s adoption. Coverage lasts until the end of the month in which the Child turns 26 years of age. Coverage also includes Children for whom You are a permanent legal guardian if the Children are chiefly dependent upon You for support and You have been appointed the legal guardian by a court order. Foster Children and grandchildren are not covered.
Any unmarried dependent Child, regardless of age, who is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental illness, developmental disability, mental retardation (as defined in the New York Mental Hygiene Law), or physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of the age at which the Child’s coverage would otherwise terminate and who is chiefly dependent upon You for support and maintenance, will remain covered while Your insurance remains in force and Your Child remains in such condition. You have 31 days from the date of Your Child's attainment of the termination age to submit an application to request that the Child be included in Your coverage and proof of the Child’s incapacity. We have the right to check whether a Child is and continues to qualify under this section.