Our Secure Choice Dental plans keep you smiling.

Affordable dental care you can feel good about.


$119.03, once annually
(Save $15.01*)


$201.43, once annually
(Save $15.05*)


$317.71, once annually
(Save $15.05*)

Find the Secure Choice Dental Plan that fits you. You'll like the affordable monthly rates and the out-of-pocket costs. Plus, you get plenty of extra benefits such as teeth whitening and bonding, along with:

  • No deductibles
  • Reduced fees on orthodontic procedures
  • No claim forms**
  • Benefits for pre-existing conditions
  • No annual maximum
* With annual payment option
  **  Except for emergency services

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?
You, your spouse and dependent children as defined by state law. Select the plan that best meets your needs. There are no age restrictions for the primary applicant.

See 'What plan is right for me?' for more information on qualifying dependents.

How do I join?
There are just five steps to enrolling. It is easy and only takes a few minutes! Click on the button above to get started.

How are the prepayment fees collected?
When you enroll, you have a couple of options for paying the prepayment fees that gain you access to the plan.

Credit Card (Annually)
Simply enter your credit card information on the payment screen, and you will be charged for the annual fee. Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted.

Automatic Bank Draft (Monthly)
If you choose the automatic monthly bank draft, enter your bank information on the payment screen which also includes an authorization provision. You can enroll online by clicking the "Enroll Now" button above. For paper applications, include a voided check, the first month’s prepayment fee with the completed Enrollment Form, and mail them to us. Monthly prepayment fees will thereafter be drawn automatically from your bank account.

While we accept automatic bank drafts from checking or savings accounts, we cannot accept personal checks on a monthly basis.

When is coverage effective?
For applications with credit card payment that are submitted for annual fees by the 20th of the month at 2pm CST, your coverage effective date will be the 1st of the next month. Annual payments received after 2pm CST on the 20th will be effective the 1st of the second month.

Examples: For an application with credit card payment received on March 19th, coverage will be effective April 1st. For an application with credit card payment received on March 21st, coverage will be effective May 1st.

For applications with monthly bank draft chosen as the payment method that are submitted by the 15th of the month at 2pm CST, your coverage effective date will be the 1st of the next month. Monthly draft payment received after 2pm CST on the 15th will be effective the 1st of the second month.

What will I receive once I enroll?
Once your application has been processed, you will receive access to a membership card, the Individual Dental Service Agreement, and a complete list of copayments. Your effective date will be provided with your membership materials.

What if I need to change my dentist?
You may change dentists by using our online member portal, or by simply calling Client Services at 800-380-6347.

How do I receive care?
After your effective date, call the dentist you’ve selected and tell the office that you have coverage. They will schedule your appointment to see the dentist.

When do I renew my dental plan?
If you select the annual prepayment method, a renewal notification and billing statement will be mailed to your home in advance of your anniversary date. If you select the monthly bank draft method for payment, no action is required to renew your dental plan.

Renewable at option of company.

Are there limitations or exclusions?
Plan benefits are not available for any service not specifically described in the Copayment Schedule (including but not limited to any hospital or outpatient care facility cost associated with any dental service).

Plan benefits are not available for any dental service started and completed prior to Effective Date.

Other limitations and exclusions apply – please see the plan brochure for complete details.